Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies
<p><em>Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies (Fizicna Reabilitacia ta Rekreacijno-Ozdorovci Tehnologii)</em> — is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on the following topics:</p> <p>Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation;<br />Rehabilitation;<br />Occupational Therapy;<br />Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health.</p> <p dir="ltr">The materials of the scientific journal are of theoretical and practical interest for doctoral students, post-graduate students, masters, rehabilitation specialists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor, medical doctor, sports doctors, massage therapists, scientific and pedagogical workers.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>The schedule of issues of the Journal</strong><br />No. 1 - February, 28 <br />No. 2 - April, 30<br />No. 3 - June, 30<br />No. 4 - August, 30 <br />No. 5 - October, 30<br />No. 6 - December, 30</p> <p><img src="" />Attention authors: The publication fee was updated on December 1, 2024. <a href="">Read More</a></p>en-USPhysical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies2522-1906Rehabilitating Psychological Well-being in the Postpartum Phase: The Impact of Yoga Therapy and Overcoming Challenges
<p><strong>Purpose.</strong> The study aimed to promote, foster, and cultivate psychological well-being among women during their postpartum phase and devise yoga-based interventions that enhance the psychological well-being of postpartum women.</p> <p><strong>Material and Method.</strong> A 'mood and self-esteem measure' was employed to evaluate 50 participants who had recently given birth at Annamalai University Hospitals in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. In the yoga sessions, these individuals were randomly assigned to either a yoga group (N = 25) or a control group (N = 25) comprising 16 instructional units conducted over eight weeks. Those who completed the postpartum therapy and participated in the study received continuous supervision. The yoga sessions took place in a public setting, and the duration gradually increased from 25 minutes, including setup and conclusion, in the initial four weeks to 35 minutes from the fifth week to the eighth week.</p> <p><strong>Result. </strong>The group participating in yoga demonstrated significantly more pronounced improvements in depression, anger, and tension compared to the control group, indicating moderate to substantial benefits. Yoga therapy groups and control of anger (t=44.10 and.338) and the depression (t =74.789 and 1.653). Tension (t =24.608 and .428). The yoga therapy groups exhibited significant alterations.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> The results endorse yoga as a potential complementary therapy for women in the postpartum phase.</p>Vinu WDilshith A. Kabeer
Copyright (c) 2024 Vinu W, Dilshith A. Kabeer
2024-11-302024-11-309645946710.15391/prrht.2024-9(6).01Comparative study of adaptive reserves of servicemen and servicemen-athletes with neuromuscular injuries after the post-acute rehabilitation
<p><strong>Purpose</strong>. To determine the level of adaptive reserves in servicemen and servicemen-athletes with injuries of the neuromuscular system at the end of the post-acute rehabilitation phase.</p> <p><strong>Material & Methods.</strong> Twenty-two servicemen with identical injuries of the neuromuscular system were examined and divided into two groups. Group A included servicemen who used standard protocols for neuromuscular recovery during the post-acute rehabilitation phase. Group B consisted of servicemen-athletes who used standard protocols and rehabilitation techniques specific to their sports. Special physical exercises and a training regime were used to develop a test task for each study participant. The peculiarities of adaptative and compensatory reactions of servicemen to a physical stimulus were studied based on the results of heart rate variability (HRV), bioimpedansometry, and biochemical blood parameters (creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, testosterone, cortisol).</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> The bioimpedansometry results indicated that only servicemen of group B had body composition indicators that met morphometric norms. The initial HRV results of group A participants showed a high tension of heart rhythm regulation, and the autonomic balance was shifted towards sympathetic regulation. The basal cortisol level reached the upper limit of the norm, and testosterone was at the lower limit. After-exercise results demonstrated the strengthening of the central sinus rhythm regulation circuit. The cortisol concentration significantly decreased in the blood serum of group A servicemen in response to the stimulus, indicating compensatory reactions. The initial HRV spectral analysis parameters in group B subjects balanced the mechanisms of vago-sympathetic tone. In response to a stressful stimulus, the influence of autonomic regulation increased. The results of the biochemical blood tests for participants in group B specified the readaptation of the neuromuscular system and the recovery of the body’s adaptive reserves.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The research results confirmed the necessity of finding new mechanisms to improve the rehabilitation of servicemen with neuromuscular system injuries starting from the post-acute rehabilitation phase. The effectiveness of incorporating sports rehabilitation training with modified kinematic characteristics, alongside anaerobic exercise, in the rehabilitation of servicemen was demonstrated.</p>Andrii ChernozubAnatolii TsosOleh OlkhovyiOksana IkkertVadym KovalYuliia Kirychuk
Copyright (c) 2024 Authors
2024-11-302024-11-309646847510.15391/prrht.2024-9(6).02The effect of rehabilitation fitness on mature women with scoliosis
<p>The <strong>purpose</strong> of the study is to substantiate the content of rehabilitation fitness for mature women with scoliosis.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods</strong></p> <p>The study involved 15 women aged 45-55 years with scoliosis of 1-2 degrees.</p> <p>Research methods: аnalysis, generalization and systematization of data from scientific and methodical literature, Internet networks; Testing method; Pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment); Clinical research methods (anthropometry, REEDCO posture scale, Ketle index, stooping index); Methods of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>A physical therapy program has been developed for mature women with scoliosis. After 6 months, statistically the average body weight decreased to 79.1 ± 1.9 kg and body mass index from 29.9 ± 1.0 kg to 29.5 ± 1.0 kg. We explain this result by the fact that the exercises were not dynamic and without great physical exertion, they were performed at a slow pace. After the pedagogical experiment, a slight but reliable decrease was established in heart rate - by 3.21 bpm (93.49±2.2 at p<0.05). The average values of blood pressure have only tendency to decrease as a result of the physical therapy program’s impact on the female body (144.2±4.5 mmHg was recorded on 94.6±3.3 mmHg at p>0, 05). The breath rate indicator reliably decreased by 2.5 beats/min (22.4±0.9 beats/min), but still indicate a decrease in the functional capabilities of the respiratory system. There have been positive changes in the posture assessment of mature women - 57.7±1.9 points out of 100 possible (the results are statistically significant). In general, the result is still low, but it is a positive trend in adults. The stooping index was 80.9 ±1.2%. There were slight but statistically significant changes. The level of physical condition of women has generally improved. Thus, the number of women with a low level of physical condition decreased to 20%; from below average to 33.3%; from the average to 33.3. It should be noted that the group included women with a higher than average level of physical condition - 13.3%.</p> <p>After the pedagogical experiment, indicators of well-being, activity and mood among women has improved. Thus, 60% of women had satisfactory and 40% - good well-being. Most of researched women (66.7%) have average activity and a good mood. So, the effectiveness of the developed program has been confirmed.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>Recent studies indicate a deterioration in the health of the population of Ukraine. Treatment protocols for mature women with scoliosis in different countries of the world are similar. A 6-monthes physical therapy program has been developed and tested for mature women with scoliosis. The program includes the BALLance method by Dr. Tanja Kühne and the J. Pilates system (large equipment). After a pedagogical experiment, its effectiveness has been proven.</p>Liubov ChekhovskaMyroslav DutchakOlha ZhdanovaMaryana Luzhna Oksana Guzii
Copyright (c) 2024 Liubov Chekhovska, Myroslav Dutchak, Olha Zhdanova, Maryana Luzhna , Oksana Guzii
2024-11-302024-11-309647648510.15391/prrht.2024-9(6).03Effect of Postural Stability Exercises on Gait Parameters in Children with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy: An Experimental Trial
<p>Postural stability helps maintain the position of the body within the support area to maintain control, but this postural stability is affected in children with cerebral palsy during static or dynamic activities. However, the practical application of postural stability exercises combined with muscle strengthening has not been studied in spastic diplegia cerebral palsy children with gait difficulties.</p> <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> To study the effect of postural stability exercises on the gait and posture of children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy.</p> <p><strong>Materials & Methods</strong><strong>.</strong> 23 subjects with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy within the age group of 8 to 15 years, both male and female were randomly allocated into two groups Group A (Experimental) n=12 and Group B (Control) n=11, voluntarily participated and EVGS and DGI were used to assess the posture, gait, and functional capacity as outcome measures. Pre-test and post-test values were used for the interpretation of data.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The mean difference of 3.25 with a t-value of 8.74 at a significance of 0.000 (p<0.005) was calculated which shows a statistically significant difference between the pre and post-values of Group A and the mean difference of 1.63 with a t-value of 8.05 at a significance of 0.000 was calculated, which is statistically significant.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Combined effect of postural stability exercises along with muscle strengthening exercises have a significant effect on the gait functions in children with spastic diplegia CP of GMFCS level II and III.</p>Latika GulyaniKanniapan VadivelanAnshika SinghShagun AgarwalSumit Raghav
Copyright (c) 2024 Authors
2024-11-302024-11-309648649310.15391/prrht.2024-9(6).04Effectiveness of rehabilitation of elderly people after cholecystectomy in outpatient settings
<p><strong>Purpose. </strong>To determine the dynamics of functioning, activity and participation using the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) as a criterion for the effectiveness of rehabilitation of elderly people after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCC). To conduct a comparative analysis of the levels of functioning, activity, and participation of elderly people according to the ICF in the post-acute and long-term phases of rehabilitation in outpatient settings.</p> <p><strong>Material & Methods. </strong>The study included elderly people aged 60 to 74 years after LCC (n=80), including men (n=18) and women (n=62). The study is a simple randomized trial using a simple random selection method with a draw. A control group (CG) and a main group (MG) were formed. Individuals in the MG received rehabilitation using a biopsychosocial approach in the subacute phase of rehabilitation. They were assessed for impairment in functioning, activity, and participation using the ICF, with results based on clinical instruments depending on the domain of the ICF. Statistical analysis. Calculations included the measurement of the median (Me) and the upper and lower quartiles (25%; 75%). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare independent samples and the Wilcoxon T-test – to compare dependent samples; differences at p<0,05 were considered statistically significant.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>After discharge from the surgical unit, individuals after LCC had impaired emotional function, sleep, digestive system, decreased respiratory function, pain, impaired postural balance, movement function, decreased exercise tolerance, decreased muscle strength, and decreased muscle endurance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>In the CG, the use of diet and symptomatic medication support showed a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but did not significantly affect the functions of physical activity tolerance, endurance, trunk muscle strength, vestibular and other significant functions, which usually negatively affects the further rehabilitation prognosis and quality of life. The dynamics of functioning, activity and participation in elderly people was statistically significant in the MG. During the first 3 months, under the influence of therapeutic exercises, functional training, cyclical aerobic exercises and fall management, statistically significant positive changes occurred in vestibular functions, exercise tolerance, respiratory function, activity and participation. It was found that the effective impact of a physical rehabilitation program designed to address short- and long-term goals on function, activity, and participation based on the use of ICF in combination with symptomatic drug support was more significant at 12 months, especially on cardiovascular function, blood pressure, muscle strength, muscle endurance, sleep function, dietary compliance, and fitness.</p>Nataliya GolodTetiana BuhaienkoLjudmyla RusynIvan Salatenko
Copyright (c) 2024 Authors
2024-11-302024-11-309649450210.15391/prrht.2024-9(6).05Physical culture and sports rehabilitation of amateur athletes after brain contusion with post-traumatic stress disorder in the training motor mode
<p><strong>The purpose of the study </strong>was to determine the effectiveness of a correctional rehabilitation program aimed at restoring balance, correcting walking and the quality of life of amateur athletes with the consequences of brain contusion in a training motor mode.</p> <p><strong>Material and research methods. </strong>Under observation were 38 men aged 25-42 years with long-term consequences of a closed craniocerebral injury in the late long-term period. The duration of the post-traumatic period is from six months. In all patients, complications of brain contusion were impaired coordination and balance. All patients were involved in amateur sports before injury. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: Gr1 (n=20) and Gr2 (n=18). The study was carried out in 2 stages. Stage 1 (28 days) on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthesis Construction and Recovery in Kharkov. After the 1st stage, the same positive dynamics was observed in the athletes of both groups. Stage 2 (42 days) self-study according to the recommendations provided in the training motor mode. At the same time, the studied Gr1 were engaged under the supervision of a specialist in physical culture and sports rehabilitation using modern messenger applications (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp). <em>Post-traumatic stress disorder </em>was diagnosed according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. For a rapid assessment of well-being, activity and mood, online testing was carried out according to the<em> SAN methodology. </em>Studies of human statics were carried out using a hardware-software basometric complex developed at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics.</p> <p><strong>Research results. </strong>The correctional rehabilitation program was composed of two stages. Stage 2 - training (42 days). This stage corresponds to the recovery phase, when residual effects are eliminated, permanent compensations are fixed and improved. The long-term goals of the IСF concept are a return to amateur sports. The program of persons Gr1 included vestibular gymnastics, Nordic walking. Amateur athletes Gr2 were engaged in kinesitherapy and training walking. During the day, men of both groups took sessions of segmental reflex massage, worked out in the gym, individual and group conversations, and auto-training. After the 1st stage of rehabilitation, the coefficient of resistance to walking statics in amateur athletes of both groups tended to increase, because in Gr1 individuals the result was better. After the 2nd stage of rehabilitation in men Gr1, the coefficient of resistance approached the standard value (р<0,05). In patients, Gr2 remained at the same level (p>0,05). During the primary study, a pronounced asymmetry of the posture was noted, which is confirmed by the rotation of the pressure centers of the extremities in Gr1 by 1,140 and in Gr2 by 1,110 (p<0,05). After stage 1, there were significant changes in the index in the patients of both groups. (р<0,05). After stage 2 in Gr1 patients, the index of rotation of the center of pressure of the extremities approached the standard value (p<0,05). In patients, Gr2 remained at the same level (р>0,05). That is, the amateur athletes of Gr2 have a state of posture asymmetry. After stage 2, the fluctuations in the CCM in the frontal plane acquired significant differences compared to the standard value (р<0,05). After the course of rehabilitation measures, both groups showed positive dynamics of all static parameters characterizing the postural posture, however, there were no significant changes in Gr2 patients (p>0,05). The index of fluctuations in the CCP in the sagittal plane of amateur athletes Gr2 remained 1,42 mm higher than the standard value.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>Thus, there is a need to develop correctional and rehabilitation programs and popularize remote rehabilitation for participants in military events with the consequences of brain contusion and PTSD. The results of our work have confirmed the effectiveness of self-study according to the recommendations provided under the supervision of a specialist in physical culture and sports rehabilitation using modern messenger applications (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp).</p>Larysa RubanMaksym MishynVісtoriia MisiuraOlena AnosovaOleksii Honcharov
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