Manuscript preparation
(Last updated: 2025-01-01)
Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements of the journal, ethics, style and format will not participate in the peer review process.
Physical rehabilitation and recreational health technologies — is a scientific peer-reviewed journal open to the international community, published quarterly in electronic format.
The journal publishes articles on the following topics:
Complementary and Manual Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Health Professions
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
The journal invites submission of high-quality original research.
The schedule of issues of the Journal
No. 1 - February, 28
No. 2 - April, 30
No. 3 - June, 30
No. 4 - August, 30
No. 5 - October, 30
No. 6 - December, 30
Article types
The Physical rehabilitation and recreational health technologies publishes original research articles on topics related to physical therapy and rehabilitation.
Scientific articles should present the results of original research. These manuscripts should describe how the research project was carried out and provide a thorough analysis of the research results.
Manuscripts are submitted in English (for Ukrainian authors, it is allowed to submit a manuscript in Ukrainian, with its subsequent translation into English if accepted).
Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's online submission system.
The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the publication of the article is approved by all other co-authors. The submitting author is also responsible for ensuring that the paper receives all necessary institutional approvals.
General requirements:
Text of the article (without annotations and bibliography) with a volume of 8-10 or more A4 pages in the WORD.
Text should be one spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point typeface. Margins: 2 cm at top, bottom, right, and left. Manuscript size: From 3000 words.
Language of the article - English.
Tables require a short but descriptive title. The main sections of the table should be marked with horizontal lines. The explanatory part should be included in the footnotes indicated in the body of the table in the order in which they appear. Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. The units of measure must be included in the column heading. Tables should not duplicate material in text or illustrations.
Graphs and charts
Should be prepared in Excel, numbered sequentially throughout the text. If the article is accepted, the authors will be asked to provide the source files of the drawings.
Figures must be submitted in BMP, JPG, GIF or TIF formats. Only good drawings and original photographs are accepted. If the drawing (image) was published earlier, you must indicate the source and provide written permission to reproduce the material from the copyright holder. If the article is accepted, the authors will be asked to provide the source files of the drawings.
All figures, whether photographs, graphs or diagrams, must be consecutively numbered throughout the text.
Use Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType. Equations must be editorially editable and must not be displayed in image format.
Units of measurement should be presented simply and concisely using the International System of Units (SI).
All included references must be cited in the text.
A citation in the text consists of the author's last name and the year of publication. If you are quoting a specific part of a source, you must also add a page number or timestamp. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 170) .
(up to 10 words). The title of the article should reflect the content and purpose of this article.
Name and surnames of the authors (up to 5 authors).
Place of work or study (Department, institution or organization, city, country).
ORCID for each author (
Сorresponding author: Name and surnames, e-mail.
Abstract (> 250 words)
The abstract should reflect the content of the article; have the structure: Purpose, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions.
Keywords: 5–6 words, characterizing the investigated problem.
The introduction describes what the author hopes to achieve, and clearly indicates the problem under investigation. Should generalize the relevant studies to ensure the context and explain what research other authors, if any, are contested or require continuation. The end of the Introduction indicates the purpose of the study.
Material and methods of research
In the Material and Methods section, give a clear description of the study and how it was conducted; describe the procedures and materials used specifically so that the study can be replicated.
The Materials and Methods section should include the following subsections:
Describe the sample: how many participants, how they were recruited. Indicate the main demographic data (age and standard deviation, gender distribution, etc.), the main criteria for classifying participants into groups. Justify the representativeness of the sample.
At the end, it is indicated that the participants signed an informed consent form to participate in the study. If the study participants are children, the informed consent form is signed by their parents.
Describe the methods used in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the study. If you have more than one method, use subsections with appropriate headings.
New methods should be described in detail, while well-established methods may be described briefly and cited accordingly. Indicate the standards for evaluating the results obtained or the corresponding rating scales.
List any tools used in data collection and the indicators they measure. These tools may include equipment, hardware, software or tests, etc.
When describing indicators, the International System of Units (SI) and standard abbreviations should be used.
Briefly describe how you collected the required data. Explain how the experiment was carried out. Who tested the participants, where they were tested or observed, etc.
If the submitted papers contain studies involving humans or animals, the approval of the local ethics committee is required, and the authors must also confirm that the experiments described in the manuscript were performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Statistical analysis
Indicate which programs were used for statistical analysis. Describe the statistical analysis procedures, but not their results: what statistics were used in the data analysis, the rationale for the use of these tests, indicate the level of significance used in the study. With small sample sizes, the use of parametric indicators is possible only if the normal distribution of features in the aggregate is confirmed.
It is necessary to describe in detail the positive and / or negative results of the study and the results of the statistical analysis.
This section should be supported by tables and figures with minimal accompanying text. Together with the data in the text, as well as in tables and figures, statistical significance should be shown (indicate exact p values to three decimal places).
Headings and captions for tables and figures should allow them to be considered self-explanatory. There should be no repetition of data, tables or figures already presented.
Results should be presented accurately and should not contain material suitable for discussion.
Units, quantities and formulas must be expressed in accordance with the International System (SI units).
Discussion (1.5-2 pages)
The results of the study should be critically discussed in terms of the limitations of the research design, the method used, and the current knowledge available in the literature, how they can be interpreted in terms of previous studies and working hypotheses. Findings and their significance should be discussed in the broadest possible context, and shortcomings of the work should be emphasized. At the end of the discussion section, the practical implications of the study results should be presented. Future research directions can also be mentioned.
Should reflect the most important aspects of the results obtained in the presented study.
Author's contribution
For full transparency, all submitted manuscripts must include an Author Contribution Statement stating the work of each author. For research articles with multiple authors, a short paragraph must be provided stating their individual contribution.
The following statements should be used: Conceptualization, XX and YY; methodology, XX; software, XX; check, XX, YY and ZZ; formal analysis, XX; investigation, xx; resources, XX; data curation, XX; writing - rough preparation, XX; writing - review and editing, xx; visualization, XX; supervision, XX; project administration, XX; receiving funding, YY All authors have read and agreed with the published version of the manuscript.
Please refer to the CRediT taxonomy for an explanation of the terms.
Anyone who has contributed to a study or manuscript but is not a registered author should be credited (with their permission) (financial support, technical assistance, and non-authorship intellectual contributions).
Conflict of Interest Statement
Authors must declare all relevant interests that may be perceived as conflicting. Authors must explain why each interest may constitute a conflict. If there are no conflicts, authors should indicate this.
Funding Statement
Authors should indicate how the research and publication of their article was funded by stating the funding body(s) (in full) followed by the appropriate grant number.
If the study did not receive special funding, the authors should indicate this.
References (>20)
Formatted according to APA international style 7.0.
All links must have a DOI or URL
Correct DOI Description: