Effect of Yoga Practice on Pulmonary Function in Healthy Young Adults with Intellectual Disability
yoga, lung function, adults, disability, randomised controlled studyAbstract
Purpose: individuals with intellectual disability (ID) often experience challenges related to low levels of physical fitness, impacting both their physical and mental well-being. This study aims to evaluate the pulmonary function of children with ID and explore the effect of yoga practices on pulmonary function among the participants with ID.
Material & Methods: the study was an assessor-blinded, randomised, controlled study. Participants clinically diagnosed with intellectual disability (ID) were randomly assigned to either yoga intervention or no intervention for a duration of 6 months. Pulmonary function test was assessed at baseline and after 6 months of intervention using a Helios 401 device.
Results: in this study, a total of 56 adult participants of both sexes with intellectual disabilities (ID) were initially enrolled (n=56). Following the intervention, the final sample size was 48 participants. Notably, the participants in the yoga group demonstrated a statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement in pulmonary function parameters when compared to the control group. These findings suggest a positive impact of the yoga intervention on pulmonary function, highlighting its potential as a beneficial therapeutic approach for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The observed improvements underscore the significance of incorporating yoga into interventions aimed at enhancing respiratory well-being in this population.
Conclusion: in conclusion, this randomized controlled study offers valuable insights into the effects of various types of yoga practice on the pulmonary function of healthy young adults with intellectual disabilities. The positive outcomes observed underscore the potential of yoga as an effective intervention for enhancing pulmonary function in individuals with intellectual disabilities. These findings contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the integration of yoga into interventions aimed at promoting respiratory well-being in this population. Further research and exploration of specific yoga practices may provide additional tailored approaches for optimizing the respiratory health of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
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