Determining the impact of 12 weeks intervention of hatha yoga practices on range of motion of trunk lateral flexion and thoracolumbar spine trunk rotation in college men




Hatha Yoga, Rehabilitation, Trunk lateral flexion, Thoracolumbar spine trunk rotation


Purpose: yoga has many uses in rehabilitation in addition to its health benefits for managing and preventing disease (rehabilitare, from the Latin, means to restore). Rehabilitation comes in a variety of forms, including social, psychological, and physical. As a way of life, yoga has assisted people with physical ailments in regaining their health. Hatha yoga practices are an effective means to improve the flexibility in college students. The Purpose of this investigation was to study benefits of hatha yoga practices on range of motion of trunk lateral flexion and thoracolumbar spine trunk rotation in college men.

Material & Methods: thirty untrained college students were randomly assigned to Hatha Yoga Practice group (HYP) (n=15) (Age: 19.1±0.9, Height: 171.7±2.5, Weight: 63.9±2.4) and control group (CG) (n=15) (Age: 19.1±0.8, Height: 171.2±2.6, Weight: 63.9±1.8) and their ranged from 18 to 23 years. The HYP group performed their respective training, three times per week for twelve weeks. Prior to and after the training, TLF, and TSTR were evaluated using standardized tests. The dependent ‘t’ ratio was used to analyze pre- and post-intervention data.

Results: the results showed that the HYP group significantly (p=0.00) improved in TLF and TSTR compared to the control group.

Conclusion: the twelve weeks of Hatha yoga training produced better improvement over TLF and TSTR in college men.


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How to Cite

Ethiraj Balaji, Kamatchi Murugavel, Mariyappan Rajkumar, Subbramani Logeswaran, & Veluchamy Vijayasankar. (2024). Determining the impact of 12 weeks intervention of hatha yoga practices on range of motion of trunk lateral flexion and thoracolumbar spine trunk rotation in college men. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 9(1), 12–19.



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