Effects of retro-walking and spinal flexion exercises in postural low back pain





low back pain, postural low back pain, spinal flexion exercises, retro-walking


Purpose: to determine the effects of retro-walking along with spinal flexion exercises in postural low back pain.

Materials & Methods: total subjects were 30 selected out of 69 according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided in two groups – Group A and Group B. Both groups are experimental and have 15 subjects in each group on the basis of inclusion criteria. The purpose and procedure of the study were explained in details and consent from the taken and they were free to withdraw any time without giving any reason.

Results: independent t-test was used to find the significant difference between before and after intervention result in both groups. Before the intervention, table 1; the value of t-test of numeric pain rating scale was –1.628 wit significance value 0.115 of both groups; group A and B. whereas the value of t-test of oswestry disability index was –1.374 of both groups with significance value 0.180 of group A and 0.183 of group B. After intervention, table-2; the value of numeric pain rating scale and oswestry disability index was 0.000 and 0.000 in both groups. There was 95% of confidence interval adopted for the significant differences between the groups.

Conclusions: there were reduction in pain and disability in both groups. The statistically reduction in pain and disability in group A following 4-weeks protocol of retro-walking along with spinal flexion exercises in postural low back pain suggests including retro-walking with conventional management protocol for patients with postural low back pain.


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How to Cite

Sumit Raghav, Anshika Singh, Mukesh Kumar, & Gunjan Chaudhary. (2023). Effects of retro-walking and spinal flexion exercises in postural low back pain. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 8(3), 130–135. https://doi.org/10.15391/prrht.2023-8(3).01



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