Multifunctional changes in the athletes’ body during the formation of autonomic regulations’ overstrain under the influence of training load


  • Oksana Guzii Department Department of physical culture and sports rehabilitation and sports medicine, Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Anatolii Mahlovanyi Department of physical education and sports medicine, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Romanchuk Department Department of physical culture and sports rehabilitation and sports medicine, Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine



athletes, overstrain, heart rate variability, blood pressure variability, respiratory variability, hemodynamics, sensomotorics


Purpose: the purpose of this study was to generalize polysystemic changes that occur in the body of highly qualified athletes with signs of autonomic regulation overstrain under the influence of training load and during the recovery period after it.

Material & Methods: test subjects were qualified male athletes (N=202) aged 22.6±2.8 years, who were examined by means of spiroarteriocardiorhythmography (SACR) and computerized motion meter (CMM). In accordance with the design the examinations with the aid of SACR and CMM were carried out three times: in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a sitting position on the day of training (G1), immediately after training (during the first 5-7 minutes) (G2) and the next day in the morning after sleep (G3).

Results: according to the data of the examination of athletes in the dynamics of recovery after the training load, options of changes in HRV indicators were determined, which indicated the formation of sympathetic and parasympathetic overstrain in athletes. Two groups were created. The first included 10 athletes, the second included 9 athletes. The analysis of changes in indicators, the research methods used, allowed us to establish differences in their dynamics during the formation of sympathetic and parasympathetic overstrain. Differences were noted among 18 indicators. Among them are indicators of HRV – ABI (c.u.), SRAI (c.u.), ARI (c.u.), RMSSD (ms), VLF (ms2), LFHF (ms2/ms2); variability of arterial pressure – LFSBPn (n.u.), HFSBPn (n.u.), LFHFSBP (mmHg2), TPDBP (mmHg2), LFDBP, (mmHg2), ICDBP (mmHg2/mmHg2); hemodynamics – CO (dm3), GPVR, (dyn/s/cm−5), CI (dm3/m2); respiratory variability – TPR (L×min1)2; of sensorimotor function – SCSleft (s), SMleft (%).

Conclusions: the obtained results on the formation of sympathetic and parasympathetic overstrain under the influence of intense physical activity indicate that changes in the autonomic regulation of the heart rate, which determine the type of heart rate regulation, are accompanied by a number of changes in hemodynamics, autonomic regulation of the pumping function of the heart, vascular tone, respiratory regulation, and sensorimotor function. The determined differential dynamics of changes in cardiorespiratory and sensorimotor indicators will allow further algorithmization of the assessment of the functional state of the athletes’ body in order to detect early states of non-functional overstrain and overtraining.


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How to Cite

Oksana Guzii, Anatolii Mahlovanyi, & Oleksandr Romanchuk. (2023). Multifunctional changes in the athletes’ body during the formation of autonomic regulations’ overstrain under the influence of training load. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 8(2), 91–104.



Original research article