The individualization of estimation of changes in the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the procedure of manual therapy of the thoracic spine in men with a vertebral thoracalgia in the sanatorium-resort treatment’ course




thoracic spine manual therapy, thoracalgia, cardiovascular system, double product, kerdo index, types of reactions, individual estimation.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reaction of the cardiovascular system of men with vertebral thoracalgia to manual therapy procedures on the chest during the course of sanatorium-resort treatment of spinal osteochondrosis.

Material and methods

Under supervision were 26 men aged 32.3 (27.9; 42.9) years who underwent a course of sanatorium-resort treatment for vertebral thoracalgia in the clinical sanatorium named after V.P. Chkalov (Odesa, Ukraine) in 2010-2011. The treatment complex included of 4 thoracic spine manual therapy (TSMT) procedures, which were performed every 5-7 days of sanatorium-resort treatment. The indicators of the cardiovascular system were recorded using the Omron M1 Classic device (Japan) in a supine position before and after every procedure TSMT.


The results obtained in this study indicated sufficiently characteristic significant changes in heart rate (min-1), which mainly decreases, DBP (mm Hg), which mainly increases, PBP (mm Hg), which mainly decreases in each of the procedures TSMT in men with vertebral thoracalgia.

Separately, according to the data of the rank evaluation of changes in indicators, the types of response of the contractile function of the heart (Δ Double product) and autonomic support of hemodynamics (Δ Index Kerdo) in men were characterized. They showed that there are individual differences in response to the TSMT procedure in the course of sanatorium-resort treatment.


Determining the changes in Δ Double product and Δ Index Kerdo for the procedure of manual therapy of the thoracic spine made it possible to develop criteria for evaluating the types of response of the contractile function of the heart and autonomic support of hemodynamics. Their analysis in the course of sanatorium treatment of patients with thoracalgia showed that there are individual characteristics of reactions that should be taken into account in order to prevent the occurrence of negative effects of the TSMT procedure.


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How to Cite

Panenko , A., & Romanchuk, O. (2024). The individualization of estimation of changes in the reaction of the cardiovascular system to the procedure of manual therapy of the thoracic spine in men with a vertebral thoracalgia in the sanatorium-resort treatment’ course. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 9(5), 443–456.



Original research article