Goniometric body profile of men 26–31 years old engaged in health-improving fitness





health, men, mature age, physical development, goniometric profile, health-improving fitness.


Purpose. The purpose of the study was to determine the distinctive features of the goniometric body profile of men aged 26-31 years old engaged in health-improving fitness.

Material & Methods. The study involved men aged 26–28 (n=16) and 29–31 (n=17). The studies were conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects". Research methods: analysis of literary sources, ascertaining pedagogical experiment. The Torso program was used to determine the distinctive features of the goniometric profile of the male body. All data obtained in the empirical study were processed using mathematical statistics methods.

Results. It has been established that there are no statistically significant differences in the measured goniometric indices between men of the 26-28 and 29-31 age groups. The values ​​of these angles for these two groups are similar, and the age factor does not affect their values. That is, the position of the head, frontal bone and spine in men in the period from 26 to 31 years remains stable. This conclusion is quite understandable, since in the first period of mature age, the main physiological changes in the body are completed and the body is in a state of stability. And given the fact that the age difference between group members is small, this is not enough to show significant changes associated with age-related changes.

Conclusions. It was found that all the studied goniometric characteristics of men aged 26-31 years have significant differences from the norm, indicating an incorrect head tilt (angle α1 is less than the norm), excessive flexion of the spine (angle α3 is greater than the norm), which indicates a systemic violation of the biogeometric state of posture, requiring correction. It was also found that there are no significant differences in the body goniometry of men aged 26-28 and 29-31 years. Therefore, the development and implementation of special programs for the correction of posture disorders aimed at correcting the tilt of the head and reducing excessive flexion of the spine, maintaining normal body weight, taking into account the individual characteristics of anthropometric indicators for the development of personalized training programs and the correction of violations of the biogeometric parameters of posture are quite capable of improving the physical development indicators of men in the first period of mature age.


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How to Cite

Grygus , I., Dolishnyi , M., & Rebrov , V. (2024). Goniometric body profile of men 26–31 years old engaged in health-improving fitness. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 9(5), 362–369. https://doi.org/10.15391/prrht.2024-9(5).03



Original research article