The influence of adaptive games on the psycho-emotional state of military personnel during rehabilitation




adaptive games, rehabilitation, military personnel,


Purpose: to evaluate the impact of classes using adaptive games on the psychological rehabilitation of military personnel in a health care facility.

Material and methods. The study involved 34 male military personnel who were undergoing rehabilitation in a health care facility after being wounded. The study involved determining the psychological state (using the standard TRANS test) and the speed of sensorimotor reactions (using the Visuomotor Choice Reaction and Reaction RMO Pro computer programs) of the military personnel undergoing rehabilitation at the beginning and end of the study. The study lasted three weeks, during which classes were held using adaptive games (Cornhole, Jacollo, Elastik, Kulbutto, Boccia, Paka laka). Classes were held three times a week, lasting 90 minutes each.

Results. It has been established that classes using adaptive games have a positive effect on the level of psychological state and the manifestation of a simple sensorimotor reaction of military personnel undergoing rehabilitation in a health care facility. According to the results of the study, it has been established that anxiety indicators have decreased, and indicators of performance, activity, mood and health have increased. In the course of determining the manifestation of a simple reaction of military personnel undergoing rehabilitation, it has been established that the use of adaptive games has a positive effect on the speed and accuracy of the sensorimotor reaction.

Conclusions. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the implementation of the project "Ukrainian Center for Occupational Therapy with Adaptive Games" under the program "RITA - Region in Transition" of the Foundation "Education for Democracy". Thanks to the activities carried out using adaptive games aimed at motor activity, fine motor skills and attention, the psycho-emotional state and sensorimotor reaction of military personnel undergoing rehabilitation have changed positively. The presented results indicate the positive impact of adaptive games on the psycho-emotional state and the general process of rehabilitation of military personnel. Therefore, it can be argued that adaptive games are a powerful means of psychological rehabilitation, as well as psycho-emotional and social adaptation.


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How to Cite

Mulyk, K., Skaliy, A., Grynova, T., Skaliy , T., & Polovinko , K. (2024). The influence of adaptive games on the psycho-emotional state of military personnel during rehabilitation. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 9(5), 343–351.



Original research article