Effectiveness of neurodynamic mobilization and MCGILL-type strengthening exercises in patients with piriformis syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial





piriformis syndrome, sciatica, neurodynamic mobilization, strengthening exercises.



Purpose: Determine the effectiveness of adding a McGill-type strengthening exercise program to neurodynamic mobilization in patients with pyramidal syndrome (PS).

Material and methods: This study has a pre/post experimental design of a randomized single-blind clinical trial that will be carried out in the province of Chimborazo - Ecuador, with a duration of 8 months. The final sample will be formed by 58 patients with a diagnosis of SP who will be randomly assigned to a control group: neurodynamic mobilization and to an experimental group: neurodynamic mobilization plus McGill type strengthening exercises. Both groups will be evaluated before, immediately after and after two months of the intervention phase to determine changes in pain, disability, and range of motion.

Results: The comparison between the evaluations aims to reveal information on the effectiveness of combining neurodynamic mobilization plus McGill-type strengthening exercises, providing valuable information to contribute to the quality assurance of rehabilitation and physical activity behavior throughout rehabilitation patients.

Conclusions: Neurodynamic mobilization plus McGill-type strengthening exercises could reduce pain, improve range of motion and quality of life in patients diagnosed with SP.


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How to Cite

Guevara Hernándeza, D. M., Ortiz Pérez , S. M., Ardón, F. B., Núñez , C. L. T., & Otáñez Moreno , J. G. (2024). Effectiveness of neurodynamic mobilization and MCGILL-type strengthening exercises in patients with piriformis syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies, 9(3), 188–200. https://doi.org/10.15391/prrht.2024-9(3).08



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