Impact of the implementation of the project “polish-kazakh regional center for training, safety and rescue” on competence in the field of medical care
project, «RITA – Region in Transition» programs, rescue, Basic Life Support, lifeAbstract
Purpose: evaluate the impact of the implementation of the project “Polish-Kazakh Regional Center for Training, Safety and Rescue” within the framework of the “RITA - Region in Transition” program on the level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of medical care.
Material and methods. The study involved 646 participants in the first aid training using the BLS algorithm based on the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company “K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University.” The study involved: determining the level of stress in the event of being in a situation where it is necessary to provide assistance to a person who has lost consciousness; assessment of the Basic Life Support (BLS) algorithm of actions; assessing the effectiveness of chest compressions on the Laerdal Little Anne QCPR manikin.
Results. It was revealed that after completing the BLS training, the project participants’ stress level, if they find themselves in a situation where it is necessary to provide assistance to a person who has lost consciousness, has decreased significantly. Based on the results of testing the assessment of the BLS action algorithm, it was found that the level of knowledge and skills in providing first aid improved by 75,9%. It was found that the efficiency of pressing on the chest of the manikin improved by 53,3% after training. Positive changes in all indicators indicate that BLS training using the KISS (keep it short and simple) methodology is accessible, understandable and effective for all project participants. It was found that indicators of stress level, BLS action algorithm and QCPR effectiveness both at the beginning and at the end of the study have a correlation dependence. Reduced stress levels occur due to increased preparedness among participants and contributes to more effective care delivery. The reliable nature of the connections confirms the assumptions made and gives grounds to assert that the goal of the project has been achieved.
Conclusions. The results obtained prove the effectiveness of the implementation of the project “Polish-Kazakh Regional Center for Training, Safety and Rescue”. Thanks to the events carried out, a large number of voters approved the formation of comprehensive competence to provide first aid in the case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. As a result of the trainings, participants acquired practical skills in carrying out resuscitation measures, mastered the algorithm for providing assistance, and increased the level of confidence in their own theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This project proves that social activism and collaboration between scientists can be very effective and lead to systemic change. In Kazakhstan, where high rates of Sudden Cardiac Arrest are recorded, thanks to the implementation of international projects, a number of events and trainings have already been introduced, largely popularizing the ability to provide first aid, which will further influence the activities of governmental and non-governmental organizations. The results obtained allow us to recommend similar projects for implementation in other countries
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tomasz Zalewski , Alexander Skaliy, Kateryna Mulyk, Tatiana Skaliy, Andrzej Ostrowski , Witold Kowalski , Maria Adamczyk
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