Assessment of the function of the lower limb and gait of patients after knee replacement using physical therapy
physical therapy, knee replacement, VAS, goniometry, Tegner-Lusholm scale, Timed Up and Go (TUG) TestAbstract
Purpose. To study the dynamics of the function of the lower limb and gait of patients after knee replacement using physical therapy.
Material & Methods. Patients were randomly distributed into groups – control (CG) and study (MG), each group – 12 people (n=24). The groups received a rehabilitation intervention according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) concept. For each person, a categorical profile was created and SMART goals were set. The developed program of physical therapy (PT) for the MG, taking into account short-term goals in a SMART format, included the use of kinesitherapy according to the author’s method, hydrokinesitherapy and physiotherapy. Lower limb function and gait were assessed before and after the intervention using the Visual Analogue Pain Scale (VAS), goniometry, Tegner-Lusholm scale and Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test.
Results. VAS pain scores showed significant dynamics in both groups, but without a significant difference between the groups (p>0,05). Indicators of the amplitude of flexion in the operated knee joint approached the normative values; in patients from the MG they improved by 23,51%, and in the CG – by 10,83% (p<0,05). Improvement in indicators on the Tegner-Lusholm scale after the rehabilitation cycle occurred in both groups (p<0,05), but the results of the MG were significantly higher (p<0.05). During the repeated study, 16.66% of the CG showed an "excellent result", in the absence of such a result in the CG. Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test indicators had positive dynamics in both groups (p<0,05), but large changes were observed in the MG (р<0,05).
Conclusions. analysis of the dynamics of indicators of physical functions, range of motion and gait of persons 50-64 years old after total knee replacement confirmed the advantages of the developed physical therapy program for persons in the MG.
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