Physical culture and sports rehabilitation of amateur athletes after brain contusion with post-traumatic stress disorder in the training motor mode
postural stability, resistance, post-traumatic stress disorder, vestibular gymnastics, autotraining, telerehabilitationAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a correctional rehabilitation program aimed at restoring balance, correcting walking and the quality of life of amateur athletes with the consequences of brain contusion in a training motor mode.
Material and research methods. Under observation were 38 men aged 25-42 years with long-term consequences of a closed craniocerebral injury in the late long-term period. The duration of the post-traumatic period is from six months. In all patients, complications of brain contusion were impaired coordination and balance. All patients were involved in amateur sports before injury. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: Gr1 (n=20) and Gr2 (n=18). The study was carried out in 2 stages. Stage 1 (28 days) on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthesis Construction and Recovery in Kharkov. After the 1st stage, the same positive dynamics was observed in the athletes of both groups. Stage 2 (42 days) self-study according to the recommendations provided in the training motor mode. At the same time, the studied Gr1 were engaged under the supervision of a specialist in physical culture and sports rehabilitation using modern messenger applications (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp). Post-traumatic stress disorder was diagnosed according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. For a rapid assessment of well-being, activity and mood, online testing was carried out according to the SAN methodology. Studies of human statics were carried out using a hardware-software basometric complex developed at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics.
Research results. The correctional rehabilitation program was composed of two stages. Stage 2 - training (42 days). This stage corresponds to the recovery phase, when residual effects are eliminated, permanent compensations are fixed and improved. The long-term goals of the IСF concept are a return to amateur sports. The program of persons Gr1 included vestibular gymnastics, Nordic walking. Amateur athletes Gr2 were engaged in kinesitherapy and training walking. During the day, men of both groups took sessions of segmental reflex massage, worked out in the gym, individual and group conversations, and auto-training. After the 1st stage of rehabilitation, the coefficient of resistance to walking statics in amateur athletes of both groups tended to increase, because in Gr1 individuals the result was better. After the 2nd stage of rehabilitation in men Gr1, the coefficient of resistance approached the standard value (р<0,05). In patients, Gr2 remained at the same level (p>0,05). During the primary study, a pronounced asymmetry of the posture was noted, which is confirmed by the rotation of the pressure centers of the extremities in Gr1 by 1,140 and in Gr2 by 1,110 (p<0,05). After stage 1, there were significant changes in the index in the patients of both groups. (р<0,05). After stage 2 in Gr1 patients, the index of rotation of the center of pressure of the extremities approached the standard value (p<0,05). In patients, Gr2 remained at the same level (р>0,05). That is, the amateur athletes of Gr2 have a state of posture asymmetry. After stage 2, the fluctuations in the CCM in the frontal plane acquired significant differences compared to the standard value (р<0,05). After the course of rehabilitation measures, both groups showed positive dynamics of all static parameters characterizing the postural posture, however, there were no significant changes in Gr2 patients (p>0,05). The index of fluctuations in the CCP in the sagittal plane of amateur athletes Gr2 remained 1,42 mm higher than the standard value.
Conclusions. Thus, there is a need to develop correctional and rehabilitation programs and popularize remote rehabilitation for participants in military events with the consequences of brain contusion and PTSD. The results of our work have confirmed the effectiveness of self-study according to the recommendations provided under the supervision of a specialist in physical culture and sports rehabilitation using modern messenger applications (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp).
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