The effect of rehabilitation fitness on mature women with scoliosis
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the content of rehabilitation fitness for mature women with scoliosis.
Materials and methods
The study involved 15 women aged 45-55 years with scoliosis of 1-2 degrees.
Research methods: аnalysis, generalization and systematization of data from scientific and methodical literature, Internet networks; Testing method; Pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment); Clinical research methods (anthropometry, REEDCO posture scale, Ketle index, stooping index); Methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. A physical therapy program has been developed for mature women with scoliosis. After 6 months, statistically the average body weight decreased to 79.1 ± 1.9 kg and body mass index from 29.9 ± 1.0 kg to 29.5 ± 1.0 kg. We explain this result by the fact that the exercises were not dynamic and without great physical exertion, they were performed at a slow pace. After the pedagogical experiment, a slight but reliable decrease was established in heart rate - by 3.21 bpm (93.49±2.2 at p<0.05). The average values of blood pressure have only tendency to decrease as a result of the physical therapy program’s impact on the female body (144.2±4.5 mmHg was recorded on 94.6±3.3 mmHg at p>0, 05). The breath rate indicator reliably decreased by 2.5 beats/min (22.4±0.9 beats/min), but still indicate a decrease in the functional capabilities of the respiratory system. There have been positive changes in the posture assessment of mature women - 57.7±1.9 points out of 100 possible (the results are statistically significant). In general, the result is still low, but it is a positive trend in adults. The stooping index was 80.9 ±1.2%. There were slight but statistically significant changes. The level of physical condition of women has generally improved. Thus, the number of women with a low level of physical condition decreased to 20%; from below average to 33.3%; from the average to 33.3. It should be noted that the group included women with a higher than average level of physical condition - 13.3%.
After the pedagogical experiment, indicators of well-being, activity and mood among women has improved. Thus, 60% of women had satisfactory and 40% - good well-being. Most of researched women (66.7%) have average activity and a good mood. So, the effectiveness of the developed program has been confirmed.
Conclusions. Recent studies indicate a deterioration in the health of the population of Ukraine. Treatment protocols for mature women with scoliosis in different countries of the world are similar. A 6-monthes physical therapy program has been developed and tested for mature women with scoliosis. The program includes the BALLance method by Dr. Tanja Kühne and the J. Pilates system (large equipment). After a pedagogical experiment, its effectiveness has been proven.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Liubov Chekhovska, Myroslav Dutchak, Olha Zhdanova, Maryana Luzhna , Oksana Guzii

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