The effectiveness of the physical therapy program for patients with metabolic syndrome based on the study of the dynamics of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system and hemodynamic parameters
metabolic syndrome, physical therapy, Kerdo index, autonomic nervous system, blood pressure, heart rate, kinesitherapyAbstract
Purpose: determination of the influence of the physical therapy program on the dynamics of blood pressure, heart rate and vegetative Kerdo index in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Material & Methods: the study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal institution of health care "Kharkiv City Hospital No. 3". 28 young women were under observation, randomly divided into two groups: the main group (MG) – 14 patients and the control group (CG) – 14 patients. The mean age of patients in the MG was 31,49±0,71 years, in the CG – 31,06±0,57 years. The patients of the main group underwent rehabilitation measures according to the author's program of physical therapy, which included a hypocaloric diet with a lipid-lowering orientation (lipid-lowering diet No. 1), the basic principles of which are developed by the American Heart Association, therapeutic massage for patients with alimentary-constitutional obesity; kinesitherapy using elements of sports-oriented aerobics and special physical exercises based on Pilates gymnastics using fitballs and expanders; dosed walking in combination with breathing exercises, taking into account the activity of the autonomic nervous system, for patients in the control group – according to the program used for metabolic syndrome in the indicated medical institution. To identify the effectiveness of the author's program, a comparison was made of heart rate, arterial tonometry, vegetative Kerdo index (V.I.) at the beginning and end of the study.
Results: in the determination and analysis of blood pressure, heart rate and vegetative Kerdo index during the second study, we noted the normalization of heart rate, SBP, DBP in women of the main group (р>0,05), in the control group, the dynamics of DBP was statistically insignificant (р>0,05). In women of the main group, the heart rate during the second examination compared with the primary one decreased by 19,8%, the SBP level decreased by 9,1%, the DBP level decreased by 11,0%. In CG patients, the heart rate during the second study decreased by 8.8% compared to the primary one, the SBP level decreased by 5,2%, the DBP level decreased by 3,9% (р>0,05).
Conclusions: comparison of the obtained results of the study showed the normalization of hemodynamic parameters and the tone of the autonomic nervous system, there was also a tendency towards balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS in patients of the main group, in the physical rehabilitation of which therapeutic exercises were applied with the use of regulated breathing exercises, taking into account the tone of the sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, which helps to improve the quality of life of patients with metabolic syndrome.
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