Dynamics of hemodynamic parameters and tone of the autonomic nervous system in the rehabilitation of patients with neurocirculatory dystonia
neurocirculatory dystonia, physical therapy, dance aerobics, hemodynamic parameters, indicators of the functional state of the autonomic nervous systemAbstract
Purpose: to substantiate, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a physical therapy program for young women with hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia at the outpatient stage.
Material & Methods: under our supervision there were 28 women with a diagnosis of neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertonic type; they were randomly divided into two groups: main (14 patients) and control (14 patients); the average age of patients in the main group was 20,1±0,35 years, in the control group – 20,6±0,23 years. The course of physical therapy for patients of the main and control groups lasted for 5 months. The patients of the main group underwent rehabilitation measures according to the program of physical therapy, which included kinesiotherapy using therapeutic exercises based on dance aerobics in combination with regulated breathing exercises, taking into account the tone of the ANS and autogenic training, patients of the control group were engaged in the E.V. Doliger physical therapy program for patients with NCD.
Results: the functional indicators of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system obtained during the primary study indicated the absence of economization of the work of the cardiovascular system, the presence of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in the direction of the predominance of the activity of the sympathetic department. After 5 months of using physical therapy programs, when re-examined, patients in both groups showed a decrease in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure; stroke volume in the main group was within normal limits, in the control group, a decrease in stroke volume indicated a reduced myocardial contractility; the decrease in the minute volume of blood in the main group was due to a decrease in heart rate, in the control group – due to a decrease in heart rate and stroke volume. The value of the Kerdo index in the main group corresponded to the state of eutonia, in the control group – sympathicotonia.
Conclusions: in the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that a physical therapy program was developed, which included kinesitherapy using therapeutic exercises based on dance aerobics in combination with regulated breathing exercises, taking into account the tone of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system and autogenic training, is effective and contributes to the normalization of hemodynamic parameters and the tone of the autonomic nervous system, which improves the quality of life of NCD patients. The conducted studies have confirmed the need for the use of physical therapy, including kinesitherapy using therapeutic exercises based on dance aerobics in combination with regulated breathing exercises, taking into account the tone of the ANS and autogenous training.
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